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Mandie Inman

Photographer based in Lake Placid, FL


Photography has always been an important part of my life, I just didn't realize how important until I took my turn behind the camera instead of being in front of it. 

Why I started

I took a journalism class during my sophomore year of high school. I loved writing, but I didn't have the social skill that were needed. That was when the journalism teacher recommended that I try photography, he had seen some of the photos I had taken on my phone and thought it would be a better fit for me. I checked out a school camera and I fell in love with how the camera felt in my hands. In the moments following my photo shoot, I decided photography was what I was meant to do. 

Why I kept going


I never believed I was a good photographer, but my teacher decided to enter my first story into the Sun Sentinel High School Journalism Awards. I was terrified when they started announcing the photography awards. I was hoping to at least get third place, but when I didn't my heart dropped a bit. I started thinking that maybe I got lucky and won second, I was wrong again. The announcer started off talking about the student who won first place. She explained that this student had an amazing eye for detail. I waited to see who the lucky photographer was, what came next was something I was not expecting. She said  my name and my photo story was displayed on the screen for all to see. This was proof that I could turn something I love into a career path.

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